Sunday, August 31, 2008

Well, if you're looking for some feather earrings it looks like you should probably hit up Urban Outfitters

because, uh, they seem to have killed every peacock that has walked on Earth.
I personally find these critters quite entertaining to look at, only because I would have never thought to wear a feather on my jewelry, and you can't really say, "I like your earrings" it's more like, "I like your...feathers."
They can become too over-done, though. For instance- the one necklace toward the right, closest and underneath the purple feathers. That little guy is from Charlotte Russe and it is very apparent that it isn't from Urban Outfitters. Neither is the one to the left-hand corner, you say? That one is from Forever21
, but that's a bit better.

Urban Outfitters has and will always have it goin' on Charlotte Russe, you'll never measure up to them. Except you are becoming more and more classy as the years go on, and I did buy four or five shirts the other day, but that is besides the point. I love you Urban Outfitters.

If you are interested in the feather accessory movement and enjoy these in the picture and want to order them offline, here are the links:
1. The red ones are actually sold out, sorry.
2. Earrings-Urban
3. Earrings-Urban
4. Necklace-Urban
5.Necklace-Charlotte Russe

Fall/Winter Checklist: Boots with the fur. 1/2 check

It was a quiet and boring night on that Thursday evening about two to three weeks ago. There was no wind and it was remotely cool out which seemed so odd due to the the humid weather we were having around that time.

My friends and I were bored and everyone else we knew were either out, grounded, or drunk, so we had nothing better to do with our time or money than to go to Target and look around. (I love Target)

I wouldn't say I am really a "shoe person". If it were up to me, I would go barefoot everywhere, and have tried and I have figured out that I can't at school because everyone with authority is a douche bag and told me to put my shoes on, and it's a "safety hazzard", and I can't in general because mother would kill me and with my luck I would step on that one poison ivey leaf that is sitting in the middle of the sidewalk.

Anyway, because I don't consider myself a "shoe person" it was rather odd that I wanted to even go near the shoes, but I did. I saw these yellow sandles - which were so good, yet so bad at the same time. I think it was only the color I loved - and some jellies - which I used to wear as a child. It was all cool and all, but then I saw something so good, that I nearly had heart failure.


Okay, so if someone could please inform of where the hell these babies have been and how I haven't found them for the 3 years I have been looking for something exactly like them, I would REALLY appreciate it.

It took about a 4 minute freak out, plus an additional 2 minutes to find my size, and another 1 to look at how good they were in the mirror to put the box in the cart-NOT THE SHOES, I held onto those the whole time, just the box- but it only took about 3 minutes to already know I was buying them.

So about three and three-fourths of a fourth of my friends say they're embarrassing and about one half of the remaining 1/4 hasn't said anything, they just avoid looking at them, and the other half of that say they are so good.

To me, they are just such great and non-tacky knock-offs of Minnetonkas knee-high fringes, and it is so hard to find a decent knock-offs these days.

So for about a week, I didn't take them off. Despite the humid weather, they have yet to make my feet sweat. They're just so perfect.

I wear them everywhere, even back to Target (which is kind of embarrassing, but that's how genuinly good they are) anf everytime I do go back, I always be sure to have my reciept in my wallat, because that way if they think I stole them, I have the receipt to prove it. :)

You can get them at Target for about $36, with tax, and though it is exspensive for Target, it is a well worth it purchase!

Hey Hoe Cherrio

First and foremost, my name is Kelc, and I am a really big bitch.
I have been a bitch since the night I departed the womb, and I have had an attitude since the day I died in my first life. Despite how mean I might seem/am, I am actually also a nice person.
I have a few tempormental problems that are currently being solved by doctors who really don't know what they're doing and I can't seem to stay committed to one task at a time very well.
I write to vent, I write to write, I write in hopes of people out there somewhere will read it, and most importantly, I write because I enjoy it.
My life consists of a family, the cutest cat in the world, a grade-a best friend and another few grade-b best friends, people who think I am on drugs, food, and not having a license at the prime age that most teens my age already do, or SHOULD.
I don't really drink like normals and I am a liberal even though I still can't vote and even if I was 18 I still couldn't because I probably still won't have my license !SUCK IT!
I like to critique fashion and other peoples style of choice even though I should probably be critiquing myself.
If you see a girl wearing thigh-high leg warmers, boots (with out fur-I'm vegetarian and don't support the ruthless slaughtering of animals either), shorts, a wool beret that is being worn as a ski cap or beanie, and like, 5 shirts it's probably me.
One day I hope to be attending college for fashion forecasting and journalism and becoming editor-in-chief of a major style magazine that has yet to be created.

The main reason for creating this is because I am sick of sittin' around and having a mind that has become so heavy and full of ideas and quotes and questions and opinions about stuff, and I wanted to just put them out there, and hopefully have people who like them to read and talk about them, too.

I hope to come on here atleast everyday to talk or share about something, I hope it's not just to myself, but it might be for a while, and to also read about news in the world of not only fashion trends but also the world of politics (which will probably be frequent, I like that stuff), education, dogs&cats, and you get the point.

So, anyway...Hi!

Site Rules and Regulations

I can't believe I am actually writing one of these (because I doubt I will have many commenters, haha) but I think it's somewhat necessary...and every other blog site has one, so it's only considered "cool" if I do too.

  • Nothing too distasteful: Let's say I post something about..well, any celebrity or person in general and let's say you really like him/her or something. I probably and most likely don't want to hear the things you would do to them or with them. Or let's say you really don't like them, I probably don't want to hear about what you would do to them, either.

That's really it hahaha.