Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fall/Winter Checklist: Boots with the fur. 1/2 check

It was a quiet and boring night on that Thursday evening about two to three weeks ago. There was no wind and it was remotely cool out which seemed so odd due to the the humid weather we were having around that time.

My friends and I were bored and everyone else we knew were either out, grounded, or drunk, so we had nothing better to do with our time or money than to go to Target and look around. (I love Target)

I wouldn't say I am really a "shoe person". If it were up to me, I would go barefoot everywhere, and have tried and I have figured out that I can't at school because everyone with authority is a douche bag and told me to put my shoes on, and it's a "safety hazzard", and I can't in general because mother would kill me and with my luck I would step on that one poison ivey leaf that is sitting in the middle of the sidewalk.

Anyway, because I don't consider myself a "shoe person" it was rather odd that I wanted to even go near the shoes, but I did. I saw these yellow sandles - which were so good, yet so bad at the same time. I think it was only the color I loved - and some jellies - which I used to wear as a child. It was all cool and all, but then I saw something so good, that I nearly had heart failure.


Okay, so if someone could please inform of where the hell these babies have been and how I haven't found them for the 3 years I have been looking for something exactly like them, I would REALLY appreciate it.

It took about a 4 minute freak out, plus an additional 2 minutes to find my size, and another 1 to look at how good they were in the mirror to put the box in the cart-NOT THE SHOES, I held onto those the whole time, just the box- but it only took about 3 minutes to already know I was buying them.

So about three and three-fourths of a fourth of my friends say they're embarrassing and about one half of the remaining 1/4 hasn't said anything, they just avoid looking at them, and the other half of that say they are so good.

To me, they are just such great and non-tacky knock-offs of Minnetonkas knee-high fringes, and it is so hard to find a decent knock-offs these days.

So for about a week, I didn't take them off. Despite the humid weather, they have yet to make my feet sweat. They're just so perfect.

I wear them everywhere, even back to Target (which is kind of embarrassing, but that's how genuinly good they are) anf everytime I do go back, I always be sure to have my reciept in my wallat, because that way if they think I stole them, I have the receipt to prove it. :)

You can get them at Target for about $36, with tax, and though it is exspensive for Target, it is a well worth it purchase!

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